SVN Regional Training Event in Portland, Oregon
Kevin Cutler and I attended SVN Regional Training event in Portland Oregon September 11-12th put on By Curt Arthur and his office, SVN Commercial Advisors. To start the day we had a boat tour on with Willamette jet boat excursions. Kevin and I highly recommend it!...
All About Socks store planned for Idaho Falls
All About Socks, a Utah-based chain that specializes in socks of all sorts, has signed a lease for a store at 2155 E. 17th St., in the Teton Village shopping center next to Mongolian Grill. An opening is anticipated for the end of August. The first store opened in...
Swagger boutique plans move, expanded hours
Swagger, a women's boutique that opened last year in Idaho Falls at 537 West 20th Street, will be moving and opening June 6 at 2177 E. 17th Street. Owner Shantell Goodenogh said the new store, next to Planet Beach, will give them more space and a more visible...
Top 100 Achiever for 2012
March 27, 2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Leann Neal (208) 535-8520 Top 100 Achiever for 2012 Randy Waters with SVN High Desert Commercial was awarded for the second year in a row top 100 Achiever for 2012 given by SVN Corporate among...
Tax increase shelfed
Property Tax Hike Withdrawn 24 Aug 2012 | No Comments | posted by jacobgrant | in Investment, Local Info Idaho Falls, Rental Owner Sixteen Idaho Falls residents spoke out against the 3% tax increase at the public hearing last night. There were many different...
Koko FitClub has chosen Idaho Falls for two clubs
Soon an entirely new concept in fitness will be available in Idaho Falls. Koko FitClub is completely reinventing personal fitness. Opening soon at Westside Plaza on Broadway located at 1799 West Broadway by Atwood Dental and in the near future a second...
The Market
Effect of Market Trend on Rental Properties 18 Jun 2012 | No Comments | posted by jacobgrant | in Investment, Local Info Idaho Falls Last year the economy made huge improvements in the first quarter only to slump for the rest of the year. There has been suspicion of...